Geoff Dean – Treasurer

I am impressed with the professionalism being introduced to the management of PPV. I fully commend the board and all that they do.

As we move forward, I believe we need a constant flow of new members willing to give a little of their time to help. PPV has achieved a lot, lobbying for NDIS equality, raising awareness of our plight in the community, and begging for funds so that we can remain operational.

Future initiatives, it would be wonderful if we could have a book published recording the often-difficult lives we lived compromised by Polio. A book would enable us to share our stories and challenges with a greater audience giving PPV a real voice – and provide a mechanism for fund-raising.

During the last 18 month with COVID-19 looming and restrictions in place, our wonderful committee strived forward holding meetings by “zoom”, although not easy. But polio people are used to an imperfect world. Ensuring our meetings occurred, it also allowed the important work that PPV does to continue. More strength, if only we had more strength.

Looking forward and always pushing for more education, awareness, and government support.