
Flexifoot is an innovative ferrule (rubber tip) for walking sticks and crutches. It improves grip and stability especially on slippery and uneven surfaces. It also cushions the shock through the body of the sticks hitting the ground. See the testimonials on their website.

Independent Living Centre

Provides free information, advice and trial of independence equipment. Staffed by Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.

SWEP State Wide Equipment Program

SWEP provides Victorian people who either have a permanent or long-term disability or are frail aged with subsidised aids, equipment and home and vehicle modifications.

It provides some funding for assistive technology, continence aids, CPAP, car and home modifications.

For more information go to https://swep.bhs.org.au/for-individuals.php or telephone 1300 747 937

Travellers Aid

Travellers Aid provide assistance to travellers. We’ve found them greatly helpful arranging transport when coming in to the city from out of town for meetings.